Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Botanical Garden at UBC

Haven't had a chance to blog or upload photos lately, so there's a few sets to talk about. The first is from the Botanical Garden at UBC; after working there for the better part of two years, I finally made it inside - for free!

I tried to get a perspective on these plants which gave the impression that I had been shrunk down and was in a land of giant plants, since these were pretty big to begin with. In fact, they were as tall as I am!

In the land of the Giants

The different steps of the grain and varying colours of the fresher and more weathered sections caught my eye.


This fruit was not low-hanging. There were broken ones all over the ground, but I had to stretch up to capture this one. I liked the leaf as a backdrop and the bokeh were a nice bonus.

Davidia fruit

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