Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Sudbury Experience

I travelled to Sudbury ON last month for a conference and managed to take in some of the surrounding sights, which varied from heavy industry (it is one of the biggest nickel producing areas of the world) to idyllic woodland full of fungi.

While not exactly a thing of beauty, the Superstack and its smaller neighbour make a more interesting silhouette with the setting sun as a backdrop.

Sunset with smokestacks

I was lucky with the sunsets, they provided some lovely soft light, as reflected by the Science North museum (which, incidentally, is in the shape of a snowflake).

Science North museum

The setting sun also helped give the Big Nickel some definition, as I tried to get beyond the standard tourist shot of this landmark.

Sun setting on Big Nickel

The clear skies resulted in a rapid drop in temperature as night fell, and the fog rolled in over this soccer pitch. The orange light in the foreground was due to streetlights behind me.

Fog over football pitch

And, as promised, the fungi. I'm pretty sure this is a lobster mushroom, but I wasn't sure enough to bite into it.

Lobster mushroom

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