Sunday, June 21, 2009

Festival d'été francophone Vancouver

Well, here it is, post #1. What I'm going to do here is put of some of what I consider to be my best or most interesting photos as I take them. You can see more of my work on my flickr photostream.

This weekend featured the Festival d'été francophone Vancouver, which is the annual summer festival celebrating the French language in Vancouver, and part of that was a music festival held in W 7th Ave, just off Granville St, on Saturday evening. Three francophone bands performed, Malajube, karkwa and Pierre Lapointe. See the full set.

There were some pretty avidly patriotic (or should that provinciotic?) Quebec fans - lots of blue and white, and lots of poutine consumed (they actually ran out and had a temporary poutine drought).

Punk fans for QuebecTrio of Quebec fans

I was quite pleased with my effort at capturing the drummer from karkwa in action in this shot:

Karkwa rocking out

It ended up being quite a fun event, and I think a bit of my high school French was coming back by the end of it all.

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