So, it's taken a while, but here is the second part of the BC trip, ranging from Smithers, up to Stewart on the border with Alaska and west to Prince Rupert.

Nicole takes flight while snowshoeing on Hudson's Bay Mountain.

A totem pole looks out over the river.

I love the perspective in this shot of the pier in Hyder, AK, how the lines of the structure align with the mountains lining the fjord.

Kind of abstracty, these chunky and rusting bolts hold together the boardwalk in Stewart.

We were very lucky to be treated to this sunset in Prince Rupert, although it was a bit of a race to get to the viewing spot in time.

I like how natural features like these braided river channels are scale invariant, and could be tiny little trickles or, as they are in this case, mighty rivers.

I was watching and shooting this bald eagle for several minutes, and took what I thought at the time were a few great shots. Sadly, once I got a look at them on my computer, they were all blurry. This was at the limit of my 75-300 mm lens at 1/400 exposure, maybe I need to set the shutter speed even faster in the future for better results.
And that's that. The next photos to appear on here will be from Connecticut and New York, as that is where I have moved to!